...see previous posts on "Guidelines"
21. Are we aware that some of these rules will probably be broken? What will we learn about ourselves and leadership when they are broken?
a. By us?
b. By others?
Can we ask and answer the question, “What did you learn from that”? These guidelines form boundaries that are sometimes difficult to remember and/or difficult to keep. When we hold ourselves and others accountable to do what we agreed to do, it can be helpful. If a guideline is not helpful, it can be changed. Self-reporting is especially commendable and an opportunity to teach and give others permission to analyze themselves in the group process.
22. Will we agree to try to apply these Biblical principles to ourselves before we try to “fix” other people who are in this group or people who are not here? Psalm 139:23,24; 1 Corinthians 9:27; 2 Corinthians 13:5; 2 Corinthians 10:12
This may be one of the most difficult. I often say it is hard to keep everyone in the room during a class or group session. I want to jump out the window and bring in a friend or an enemy who needs to hear this more than I do. “I wish John and Mary were here. They really need to hear this. Those folks down the street need this.” I call this the “me first” principle of Bible study. The first question I need to ask when studying God’s word or implementing principles that I am learning is, “How does this apply to me?”.